
[Interview] Renee Bauer, Founder Of Bauer Law Group

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Renée Bauer is an award-winning divorce attorney, published author, and founder of the family law firm, Bauer Law Group. With almost two decades of experience, Renée is committed to empowering all women to redefine their sense of peace and purpose in their new life.

She is certified as a Guardian Ad Litem, Collaborative Attorney, and Mediator. Renée’s insights are sought after by local and regional media outlets, podcasts, and conferences where she speaks on co-parenting, blended family dynamics, relationships, and the art of reinvention.

As an accomplished litigator, she boldly educates and inspires women to reclaim their right to happiness. She created an online video course called, the d∙course, so that people can navigate the divorce process with their dignity and wallet intact.

Where did the idea for d∙course come from?

I’ve been a divorce attorney for almost 20 years and in that time, I noticed that the difference between someone barely surviving their divorce and someone thriving after it, was all in their mindset. I know if people can tackle their mindset before the legal process, then they are equipped to make the best decisions for their future without getting caught in conflict and chaos.

So, I created an online course called the d∙course to educate and empower women. Not only do we tackle mindset and expectations, we talk about everything you need to start thinking about your divorce and some creative solutions to execute it all.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

I’m the queen of a good to-do list. I update it each morning and prioritize what will get most of my attention that day. Some days, I’m focused on creating content for social media. On other days, I spend my time networking with other professionals or interviewing guests on my podcast.

In addition to running Happy Even After, LLC, I manage my law firm Bauer Law Group, LLC so my time is always split between those two companies.

How do you bring ideas to life?

By taking one action item at a time. I always have short and long term goals written down. I decide what I can accomplish easily and put those into motion. Then I figure out how I can make my big picture goals a reality. I ask myself what I need to do in order to make this vision happen? I start big and then break it all down bite by bite.

I never stop growing, creating, and consuming. Momentum keeps us going so when one idea doesn’t have lift off, there is another waiting in the wings.

What’s one trend that excites you?

I’m obsessed with the community of women out there fixing each other’s crowns. There is more than enough to go around and once we realize that we are not competing, but rather elevating each other, anything can happen.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I read books and listen to podcasts constantly. Being inspired by others doing their own unique thing, instills confidence and excitement for my projects.

I love learning even when that thing is so foreign to me. Right now, I’m diving into all things digital marketing and am even taking a course on it because while I have people helping me with some of this, I want to know it so I can make informed business decisions.

I also don’t like being told that something should be done a certain way. I want to know why and what can we do differently? In order to ask these questions, I need to understand the internal workings of an effective personal brand.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Stop caring what everyone else thinks. The doubters and the haters are only throwing shade around because they have no idea how to do that thing you are doing. Your mission is so much more important than someone’s criticism. Be patient because with time and consistency, it will grow.

Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

If you are getting divorced, give the ring back. It doesn’t matter if the law says you can keep it. It’s bad juju. Don’t turn it into a pendant because every time you hang it around your neck and it lies over your heart, the negativity from that moment of your life will seep into your thoughts. Give it back and buy yourself something new.

As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

Write it down.

Write down your goals for the day, your week, your month, your year. If you don’t have a plan to look back at, you will forget what was most important. The busier you get, the harder it is to accomplish everything so prioritize the things that move you forward. Also, train others to do what they can and delegate, delegate, delegate. It’s the only way to multiply your time.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

Invest in yourself. Find an active professional development group and become active within it.

When I joined a group, I began to think bigger and when I struggled with how to implement those plans, I had a place to go to for help. Networking in a quality group is worth your effort.

I’ve done masterminds and coaching, as well. The investment in my dreams is worth every penny.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

Just one, huh? There have been so many failures. You can’t be an entrepreneur without falling on your face from time to time.

My growth had been stunted for years because I was intimidated by technology. It was all so daunting so instead of conquering it, I let it keep me small.

Then I started to dip my toe into the water by delegating the tech tasks out. This gets expensive quickly. I also wasn’t really learning how to fully integrate the benefits of good technology into a business.

As soon as I stuck my hands in the messiness of all of the backend stuff that makes brands tick, I screwed up more times than I can count. I’ve deleted pages from my website. I’ve deleted email lists. Once I sent out a test email to my email list with broken links and all.

But now, the more I know how things work, I can strategize with all of the pieces in focus. There is a reason why they say knowledge is power.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

Ok, so this idea came to me last week and it’s not the right time but in two years, I hope to bring it alive. I want to collaborate with a jewelry designer and create a post-divorce line of rings for women.

Couples often fight over the engagement ring but I want to create a Happy Even After line, so to speak. Each ring will contain words on the inside as a reminder that she is strong and capable.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

I love Active Campaigns. I can create emails in batches and schedule them ahead of time although I don’t write too many in advance because I like to write what I’m feeling in the moment. I love tracking each campaign and analyzing which do better than others.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It will guide you in all relationships in your life and in everything you do. I live by this book.

What is your favorite quote?

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

Key Takeaways:

• Your mission is so much more important than someone’s criticism.
• Momentum is the key to growth and success.
• A quiet mind creates space and gratitude.

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