
your finances are sick, you are not

    I often counsel clients about whether they should file Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy. In the course of counseling clients, I often remind them that their finances are sick; they are not. Do you see the difference? You are not your finances. When you pass from this earth, no one says, “She really knew how to pay a million-dollar hospital bill after her heart attack 10 years ago”. No one says this because you are not your finances. 

     In life, a myriad of events will come and pass. Trust me when I tell you that many of these events will be unwelcome and unwanted. Do you want to have a heart attack and incur 1 million in medical bills? Of course not. Do you want to start a business and have it fail? Of course not. No one wants these things to occur, but they do every single day. 

     Ultimately, we are all the same. Do you want to pay your bills? Of course. But will you protect your family over your creditors? Of course. This is what we all must do. Letting your family suffer at the expense of your creditors is not an option. If you do, then your finances are not sick; you are. Did you get that subtle hint? Protecting your family is the healthy thing to do. 

     Each year, LifeBack Law Firm assists thousands of Minnesotans and hundreds of Minneapolis, MN residents to regain their lives. Every single time we help Minnesotans get their life back, we celebrate. LifeBack Law Firm’s staff is the most kind and helpful staff in Minnesota. Don’t believe us? Pour over and read our Google reviews. 



     When the time is right, when you are ready to get your life back, reach out to Minneapolis, MN’s most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm by going now to You will be so thankful you did. 


Story originally seen here

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