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What You Say or Do Can Be Used Against You in Family Court

Are you on the brink of divorcing your significant other? Brace yourself! Your actions and words could be starring in a courtroom drama soon. Here’s a tongue-in-cheek guide on what to avoid and what to document when navigating the perilous waters of divorce court.

Reasons Your Words and Deeds Could Backfire:

Social Media Slip-ups: Posting about your newfound freedom or questionable escapades might not sit well with the judge. Remember, “single and ready to mingle” might not be the best caption.

Verbal Volatility: Those colorful expletives might feel cathartic in the heat of the moment, but they’re just ammunition for your spouse’s attorney. Keep it civil, folks!

Email Eruptions: Before you hit send on that scathing email, remember it might end up being read aloud in court. Save the drama for your therapist.

Financial Follies: Hiding assets or suddenly splurging on lavish purchases won’t go unnoticed. It’s hard to explain away a new sports car on a teacher’s salary.

Parental Predicaments: Badmouthing your ex in front of the kids or using them as pawns in your divorce chess match won’t earn you any parenting awards.

What to Document Instead

Communication Records: Keep a log of all communication with your ex, especially if it’s hostile or threatening.

Financial Transactions: Document any unusual spending or financial discrepancies that might arise during the divorce process.

Child Custody Interactions: Note any instances where your ex fails to adhere to custody agreements or engages in behavior that could impact the children’s well-being.

Witness Testimonies: If others witness concerning behavior from your ex, gather their testimonies to support your case.

Legal Consultations: Keep records of all meetings and correspondence with your attorney to ensure you’re adequately prepared for each step of the divorce proceedings.

Remember, divorce court isn’t a comedy club, even if the proceedings sometimes feel like a farce. By avoiding certain pitfalls and documenting relevant information, you can navigate the process with grace and hopefully emerge on the other side with your sanity intact. Good luck, and may the judge be ever in your favor!

Story originally seen here

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