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What is the Intermediate Track of a Court Claim

In 2023, the UK introduced the Intermediate Track in order to fill a void in the civil court Prior to this, civil claims were assigned to one of three tracks – Small Claims (Small Claims), Fast The new Intermediate Track was designed for cases too complex for Fast Track, but not requiring the extensive resources required by Multi-track It offers a middle-ground, making the legal processes more efficient for moderately complicated cases. If you’d like further information or support with your claims, contact the team at Helix Law today and we will be happy to assist you.

Understanding the Intermediate Track

What Is the Intermediate Track?

The Intermediate Track is a new category in the UK civil court system that handles cases that are more complicated than those suited for the Fast Track but not complex enough for the Multi-track. It is designed for claims between PS25,000 and PS100,000. It offers a structured process to cases that require more attention than simple

It enables the efficient management of these moderately complex cases, keeping legal costs reasonable and outcomes more predictable for the parties involved.

Here’s what specifically makes a case suitable for the Intermediate Track:

Moderate Complexity

: It involves multiple legal or factual issues needing detailed examination but does not require extensive case management.

  • Trial Duration: Expected to need a trial of up to three days.
  • Detailed Legal Arguments: Requires careful consideration of legal issues like contract interpretation or complex regulatory disputes.
  • Comprehensive Evidence: The case needs more evidence, including multiple witness statements and expert reports, than Fast Track cases but less than Multi-track cases.
  • Suitable Claims: Typical commercial disputes, professional negligence claims, and property disputes that are too complicated for simpler tracks.
  • Exclusions: Excludes personal injury, clinical negligence (unless both breach and causation are admitted), fraud allegations, or cases needing more than three trial days.
  • Standard Directions: Involves specific case management directions for evidence disclosure and witness statements.
  • What Kind of Cases Does the Intermediate Track Apply To?The Intermediate Track is suitable for cases that involve moderate complexity and fall within the PS25,000 to PS100,000 claim range. These types of cases can involve any area of civil law, including commercial disputes, professional negligence and property disputes.

What Are the Complexity Bands for the Intermediate Track?

The Intermediate Track divides cases into four complexity bands to match the level of judicial resources and time required for each type of case:

Complexity Band 1

: Where there are straightforward issues with minimal evidence requirements and a trial duration of up to one day. Examples include basic contractual disputes and simple debt claims.

  • Complexity Band 2: Moderately complex issues which require some legal argument and evidence, with a trial duration of one to two days. Examples include detailed commercial disputes and simple property claims.
  • Complexity Band 3: Complex issues with multiple legal or factual points, requiring detailed evidence and possibly expert testimony, with a trial duration of up to three days. Examples include intricate commercial disputes and some professional negligence claims.
  • Complexity Band 4: Highly complex issues that do not require the full resources of the Multi-track, with a trial duration of up to three days. Examples include detailed professional negligence cases and high-value commercial disputes.
  • Fixed Recoverable Costs ExplainedFixed recoverable costs (“FRC”) in the Intermediate Track are set amounts that the winning party can claim to cover legal expenses. By capping the amount that can be recovered, these costs aim to make litigation more predictable and accessible.

Each stage of the legal process, such as disclosure, witness statements, and trial preparation, is associated with a specific amount of FRC. As a case progresses, the total FRCs will increase. The exact FRCs vary depending on the complexity bands assigned to the cases, with Complexity Band 4 attracting the highest F This tiered approach ensures that legal costs are proportionate to the complexity and demands of the case.

Importantly costs are recoverable in claims allocated to the Intermediate Track.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Exclusions for the Intermediate Track?

The Intermediate Track excludes cases with a value of below PS25,000 or above PS100,000. The Intermediate Track excludes cases with a value below PS25,000 or above PS100,000. It also excludes shareholder litigation, such These exclusions ensure the Intermediate Track remains focused on moderately complex cases.

Why Was the Intermediate Track Introduced?

The Intermediate Track was introduced to handle cases that are too complex for the Fast Track but not suitable for the Multi-track. Its aim is to streamline the case management process and reduce costs in claims between PS25,000 and PS100,000. This will provide Contact Helix Law.

Navigating the Intermediate Track can be challenging due to its specific rules and exclusions. These disputes are more complex and higher valued by nature. We are well-positioned to help in these disputes as we are specialist litigation solicitors. We act in Fast Track litigation, Intermediate We have a team of experienced lawyers who are able to help you with any dispute, no matter how big or small. We are able to represent you in courts across the country and beyond. We would love to help you resolve your dispute.

Story originally seen here

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