Tax Law

Unleash the power of tax automation

The accounting profession is currently navigating through a transformative era. An aging workforce, a dwindling number of new college graduates entering the profession, and a lack of desire to pursue the partner path among existing employees make it challenging to attract new talent and retain experienced professionals.

This talent shortage impacts individual firms and leads to systemic problems in the broader business and financial world.

Proactive Strategies for Talent Management

In the face of these challenges, firm leaders must adopt proactive and innovative approaches to recruitment and retention.

The first step is understanding what people want, which varies from individual to individual. Regular check-ins, surveys, open forums, and stay interviews help employees feel cared for and valued—as long as firm leaders actually listen to and act on team members’ suggestions.

Other strategies that align with the evolving expectations of the workforce include:

  • Empowerment through meaningful work. The work of accounting professionals has meaning and purpose, but we need to do a better job of articulating it.
  • Professional development opportunities. Continuous learning and growth are often high on the priority list for talented professionals.
  • Flexibility, work/life balance, and wellness. These are no longer perks—they’re expectations.
  • Transparent career paths. Clearly communicate the expectations, timeline, and competencies required for the partner and non-partner career paths.
  • Cultivating a culture of innovation. A culture of innovation encourages creativity, embraces new ideas, and leverages technology to solve complex problems.

Unleashing the power of tax automation

One of the most promising solutions today is the growing opportunities for tax automation.

This innovative approach is more than just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic move toward making the accounting profession more resilient, appealing, and sustainable.

The benefits of embracing tax automation include:

  • Enhanced efficiency. By leveraging automation, firms can alleviate the burden of mundane tasks and free up professionals to engage in more complex and rewarding work.
  • Attracting young talent. The new generation of college graduates is tech-savvy and seeks workplaces and careers that embrace modern technologies.
  • Skill development. Automation encourages continuous learning and adaptation, keeping skills relevant in a rapidly changing environment.
  • Work/life balance. By reducing time spent on repetitive tasks, automation helps achieve a better work-life balance, a critical factor in job satisfaction and retention.

Explore Thomson Reuters’ tax automation solutions

By embracing tax automation, firms can enhance their operational efficiency and create a more engaging and fulfilling workplace for their employees.

To help firms in this pursuit, our white paper, “Unleashing the Power of Tax Automation for Talent Recruitment and Retention Success”, provides invaluable advice for CPA firm leaders looking to navigate the complexities of talent management in today’s environment. Discover how to stay ahead in the competitive landscape of the accounting profession and equip your firm with the knowledge to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success


Check out our talent acquisition and retention blog seriesto learn more actionable strategies to attract and retain top tax, accounting, and audit professionals.

Story originally seen here

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