
The US Supreme Court Is Supremely Wrong on Affirmative Action and Protection for LGBTQ Communities

Recently, the US Supreme Court handed down two decisions that are morally, ethically, legally, and spiritually wrong. 

     In one ruling the court sided with hate and ruled a cake decorator could be hateful toward a minority group who has historically been ostracized to the point where most states in the union adopted hate crime legislation to protect this group. In many states, if a crime is motivated by the victims sexual orientation, the crime is classified as a hate crime and carries with it extraordinary penalties; as it ought to. Yet, here the Supreme Court sanctions hate toward this group under the guise of “religious beliefs”. How many people hide behind religion to support their hate toward a marginalized group? A lot. 

     In a ruling which twists religious beliefs beyond its capability to withstand scrutiny, the Supreme Court’s ruling, once again uses twisted notions of Christian principles to unconstitutionally establish a national Christina religion which is a violation of the US Constitution. 

     First, nowhere in the bible does it say one’s sexual orientation has anything to do with being a child of God or not. No-where in the bible does it say this. Humans, thinking they are God and taking the lord’s name in vein, have created this hate toward the LGBT community, not God. 

     Second, it is those who create this hate toward a community of humans, who pretend to be God, who are taking the Lord’s name in vein, who are the offenders. 

     Third, it does not take a lot of brain power to understand the US Supreme Court should not be engaged in the establishment of a national religion or legislating morality. Stop hate, bake the damn cake. 

     As to affirmative action and LGBTQ rights this is an issue of equality before the law. If it takes affirmative action to make the playing field more level, who is the Supreme Court to say it does not? Again, why is this court pontificating from a court room—their brand of morality on all of us? To say racism does not exist is to ignore hour history and our recent history. George Floyd lost his life over an alleged counterfeit $2 bill. He was found to have been murdered; and George’s race had everything to do with his death.

     The Supreme Court is supremely wrong. I am embarrassed by these two decisions and the repeal of Roe V. Wade. I am reminded of the words spoken by David Henry Thoreau when he said, “the government which governs best, governs least.” Why on earth is the US Supreme Court in our bedrooms, bodies, and universities? These decisions remind me of the US Supreme Court decision in Brown Vs. The Board of Education wherein the court ruled, separate but equal is not equal. Here, ruling affirmative action is unconstitutional and it is ok to hate based on non-existent religious ideology, the LGBTQ community, is a violation of the equal protection clause because it creates a set of second class citizens. 

     These decisions, until they are reversed, must be protested, confronted, and challenged at every legal junction possible for the ridiculous notion, “separate but equal is not equal”.  Just like a business cannot refuse service because of the color of your skin, a protected class, you cannot refuse service based on your sexual orientation, a protected class. 

     LifeBack Law Firm calls for all three of these decisions to be reversed. LifeBack Law Firm calls for the promotion of human dignity and the protection of minority groups who have been historically marginalized by hateful people and now a hateful Supreme Court. 



     When the time is right, whatever minority group you may come from, LifeBack Law provides services to ALL. All are welcome at LifeBack Law Firm. If you need to file bankruptcy, go now to LifeBack Law Firm by going to


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