The EC Prohibits the Booking/eTraveli Merger: A One-off, or a Sign of Things To Come?
On September 26th, the European Commission prohibited
The most significant aspects of the Commission’s decision were its rejection of the behavioural remedies offered by Booking, and its reliance on an ecosystem theory of harm. The prohibition also suggests that the Commission will not be swayed by political pressure to facilitate the emergence of dominant “European tech champions” through weaker enforcement of competition policy. But it remains to be seen whether the decision heralds a permanent, and necessary, strengthening of the EU’s approach to mergers. The decision also has implications for the Commission’s approach to enforcement of the Digital Markets Act.
The deal and the Commission’s concerns
In November 2021, Booking Holdings, which owns key brands including, Agoda and Kayak, announced its intention to acquire eTraveli, a Swedish company which owns several major flight booking websites, for €1.6 billion. While Booking Holdings is headquartered in the US, its largest brand – – was founded and remains based in Amsterdam and is considered by many to be a leading European technology company.
The deal was notified to the Commission in October 2022, followed by the launch of an in-depth investigation in November that year and a Statement of Objections in June 2023, foreshadowing many of the arguments contained in the final decision. That decision, issued on September 26th, prohibited Booking from acquiring eTraveli based on the Commission’s concerns that it would further strengthen the former’s dominant position in the market for hotel online travel agencies (OTAs). The Commission defines OTAs rather broadly as an “important intermediation service, matching demand and supply for travel services” including “accommodation, flights, car rentals, and attractions”.
Based on feedback provided by stakeholders including hotels and competing OTAs – “almost 15,000 hotels” according to Competition Commissioner Didier Reynders – the Commission provided several justifications for blocking the merger:
- Booking already enjoys a position of dominance in the EEA hotel OTA market, with a market share of over 60%. It faces little meaningful competition, resulting in higher commissions paid by hotels dependent on Booking platforms, which in turn are likely passed onto consumers. Moreover, the company benefits from growing network effects as ever more consumers and hotels use its services;
- The acquisition would have allowed Booking to “expand its travel services ecosystem” by increasing Booking’s access to potential customers, as “flight OTA services are an important customer acquisition channel for hotel OTAs”. According to the Commission, flights are the most common route to cross-selling accommodation, while “customer inertia” means that a “significant share of these additional consumers would have stayed on Booking’s platforms”;
- This strengthened ecosystem would, in turn, have reinforced the network effects Booking enjoys, while increasing barriers to entry and expansion facing rival OTAs. Notably, the Commission focused on potential rather than actual competitors, warning that “OTAs currently on a path to becoming full-fledged competitors may not be able to do so if the transaction goes ahead”;
- The strengthening of Booking’s dominant position following the acquisition would have increased its bargaining power vis-à-vis the hotels that depend on its platforms, raising the prospect of higher costs for those hotels and ultimately, for consumers.
Rejection of behavioural remedies
One of the most noteworthy aspects of the Commission’s decision was its rejection of the behavioural remedies put forward by Booking to resolve the competition authority’s concerns. While in general, the Commission has shown a strong inclination towards behavioural over structural remedies and prohibitions, in this case, it found that the proposed remedies would not preserve competition “on a lasting basis” and be too difficult to monitor effectively.
Booking’s proposed solution was to present customers with a choice screen after purchasing a flight, in which hotel offers from Booking and other hotel OTAs would be displayed. The choice screen would have been powered by Booking-owned KAYAK and displayed on both the and eTraveli flight platforms to customers either located in or travelling in the EEA. The choice screen would rank the OTAs based on price, with the KAYAK algorithm responsible for selecting the offers and setting “technical and quality standards”.
Based on its analysis of the remedies, including testing them with market participants, the Commission found them to be unsatisfactory for the following reasons:
- The selection and ranking of competing hotel OTA offers would have been opaque and discriminatory, due to KAYAK’s control of the algorithmic process;
- The competing offers would have only been displayed following flight purchase and not via other important channels such as emails, notifications and other website pages;
- The commitments would have been challenging to monitor, due to KAYAK’s algorithm “working as a black box”.
While we do not know the extent to which the Commission negotiated with Booking over the proposed remedies, and how willing Booking was to address the Commission’s concerns, ultimately the competition authority decided that the acquisition’s prohibition would be more effective than the commitments already on the table.
As mentioned, the Commission’s decision to prohibit the deal is highly significant in and of itself. It is only the 11th time that the EC has blocked a takeover in the past decade, compared to around 3,500 approvals over the same period. This has contributed to rising market concentration
Other recent developments suggest that the Commission’s prohibition of the Booking/eTraveli merger is not a one-off event, but part of a broader shift. In September 2022, the Commission blocked
Of course, the Commission has not abandoned behavioural remedies altogether. Over the past 12 months in the tech sector alone, the Commission has approved massive deals including Microsoft/Activision
Just as significant is the fact that the prohibition decision was – for the first time ever – based solely on a so-called “ecosystem” theory of harm. This is the notion, particularly when it comes to digital markets, that market power and competition cannot be fully understood through narrow vertical and horizontal theories of harm, but only by taking into account the sprawling “ecosystems
Ecosystem concerns have featured to varying degrees in other recent merger investigations, including Microsoft/Activision Blizzard (which looked at how acquiring Activision’s games catalogue could strengthen Microsoft’s position in cloud gaming and operating systems) and Amazon/iRobot (where the role of iRobot’s user data in reinforcing Amazon’s marketplace dominance is currently being investigated). However, the emergence of new technologies with seemingly unlimited use cases, from generative AI to virtual and augmented reality, is only increasing the need to take ecosystem effects into account in competition investigations. For example, enforcers will need to closely monitor attempts by large digital platforms to leverage their dominance in highly concentrated markets such as search, social media and e-commerce, and over assets including computing power and data, to gain control over generative AI.
In blocking Booking’s acquisition of eTraveli, the Commission has also signalled that it will not be swayed by political pressure to facilitate the emergence of so-called “European champions” through weaker enforcement of merger control. This pressure has grown in recent years in response to anxiety about Europe’s perceived inability to produce globally competitive technology and industrial corporate giants. Yet as with its prohibition of the Siemens/Alstom merger
Finally, the decision has some interesting implications for the Commission’s approach to enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). For starters, the EC’s willingness to stand in the way of Booking’s acquisition suggests it will not shy away from designating Booking as a gatekeeper under the DMA. This would represent a direct rebuttal to claims from certain quarters that the DMA is a “protectionist” piece of legislation designed to disadvantage American technology companies while giving a leg up to their European counterparts. Encouragingly, the prohibition decision also implies that the Commission does not plan to treat the DMA as another route to addressing its merger concerns, as the authority could have chosen to approve the acquisition while hoping that Booking’s subsequent designation would root out any anti-competitive practices. By prohibiting the merger, the EC has ensured it is not adding to its future enforcement workload.
It is too early to say whether the Commission’s prohibition of the Booking/eTraveli merger represents a genuine sea change in EU merger control. What is already clear is that the Commission’s rationale on behavioural remedies and ecosystems has applicability far beyond this specific transaction, in both merger control and antitrust investigations. A greater emphasis on structural intervention and ecosystem harms would go some way towards rectifying the historical underenforcement of merger control law in the EU, and ensure the Commission has the right tools to prevent further consolidation in digital markets, particularly in AI.