

We freely share our personal information with the world. But it’s not just friends and family who are interested in the information. Criminals also pay attention and use that information to extort victims, intimidate them, or manipulate them. Criminals are always looking for new ways to exploit technology to commit fraud. Criminals pose as court officials and threaten victims with fines, jail time, or other penalties if the information requested is not provided. A court official or police officer will never call or email you to ask for personal or financial details. Do not respond to a threatening email or phone call. Instead, report the incident to your local law enforcement agency.

Scammers can use official-looking court documents to legitimize their requests. They may even use official seals and logos. If you receive a document that appears to be official, contact the federal agency or state directly. Do not use the contact details listed on the paperwork. Scammers use fear and pressure tactics to create an urgency.

If there are older people in your life who are often scammed, it is worth having a conversation about scams, how to avoid them or how to deal with scammers. Scammers often tell their victims to not involve anyone else, as this could lead to the scam becoming known before the scammer is able to extort money or information. Call Now for a Free Strategy Session from a MN Bankruptcy Lawyer at LIFEBACK LAW FIRMS

If fraud has been committed against you, please contact the appropriate authorities. Your story could help prevent other people from being scammed. Contact the attorneys at LifeBackLaw and see us at and let us help you get your life back.

Story originally seen here

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