
Preparing for a Bankruptcy Filing

There are various ways you can prepare for a bankruptcy filing, even before you meet with your bankruptcy attorney. As a prerequisite to filing bankruptcy, one must provide full financial disclosure to the bankruptcy court. One must also be completely open and forthright and must be willing to provide any and all documents requested by the bankruptcy trustee, after the case is filed. When preparing for filing a future bankruptcy case, it is wise to keep detailed records of any large financial transactions and to begin collecting paystubs, bank statements, and recent tax returns, as they are all subject to be requested by the bankruptcy trustee.

Although it is possible to file a bankruptcy case without the help of a lawyer, it is probably not a good idea, as an experienced bankruptcy attorney can provide you better guidance on what documents specifically need to be provided to the trustee, and what type of bankruptcy case is best for your situation. In order for your bankruptcy attorney to be able to give you the best advice and be most prepared to handle your case, you should have as much financial information gathered up from the previous 6 months as possible. This way, your attorney will be able to review the documents and best determine whether you are better suited in a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. Gathering all this financial information at the outset before your case is filed, will make your case progress more smoothly. In a Chapter 7 case, having as much financial information as possible to provide to the trustee, will ensure your case will be wrapped up as quickly as possible, so that you receive your discharge on time and are able to focus on the rebuilding process. In a Chapter 13, having this information prepared at the outset, will ensure that your case gets confirmed by the court as soon as possible without delay.


When considering filing a bankruptcy, you should first consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney. See us at!

Preparing for a bankruptcy filing. By Dr. Danielle Lin.


Story originally seen here

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