New York City Modifies Lactation Room Accommodation Requirements
Effective May 11, 2025, New York City employers will be required to physically and electronically post a copy of their written lactation room accommodation policy.
Recently enacted Local Law 109 amends existing language under the New York City Human Rights Law regarding the obligation of employers to implement and distribute a written lactation accommodation policy. The policy must state, among other things that employees are entitled to request a breastfeeding room, and specify the process through which they can do so, including the requirement that the employer respond within five (5) days. According to current law, this written policy must be provided to all employees at the time of hire. A lactation room accommodation policy that is NYC-compliant will need to include the statement that employers will provide 30 paid minutes of break time to employees for lactation. Employees can also use their existing paid meal or break time to cover lactation time in excess of 30 minute.