Main Developments in Competition Law and Policy 2022 – Spain
Below we cover the main competition law developments in Spain in 2022, concerning (i) institutions, (ii) restrictive agreements, (ii) abuse of dominance, (iii) procedure, (iv) mergers, and (v) the internal market. The selection, as usual with these lists, is inherently subjective. The authors note that they have favoured a broader selection of issues to include certain developments in EU law with a notable Spanish component, as well as institutional developments of transversal significance that also concern Spanish competition law.
The Court of Justice Declares that the Spanish State Liability Regime for Breaches of EU Law Is Incompatible with the Principle of Effectiveness (Commission v Spain)
In June 2022, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice ruled that the Spanish State liability regime for breaches of EU law is incompatible with the general principle of effectiveness (C-278/20
The Court reviewed the compatibility of the Spanish State liability regime for breaches of EU law, set out in Articles 32 and 34 of Law 40/2015, on the Regime Governing the Public Sector
- There be a judgment of the Court of Justice declaring that the applied rule with the status of law is incompatible with EU law (in line with Brassserie du Pêcheur, C-46/93 and C-48/93
- The injured party has obtained, at any instance, a final judgment dismissing an appeal against the administrative act which caused the damage, thus excluding cases in which the damage derives directly from an act or omission of the legislature without there being a challengeable administrative act;
- A limitation period of one year from the publication in the EU Official Journal of the judgment of the Court of Justice declaring the incompatibility of the said norm, thus excluding cases where there is no such declaratory judgment; and
- Only damages occurring five years prior to the date of the publication in the EU Official Journal can be compensated, for the same reason.
On the other hand, the Court found that the Spanish State liability regime, insofar as it required claimants to demonstrate a ‘sufficiently serious breach’ in damages actions against the State for breaches of EU law, but not in damages actions for breaches of the Spanish Constitution, was not incompatible with the principle of equivalence (for a detailed commentary on this point, Sara Iglesia’s comment here
The judgment follows another landmark ruling of the Grand Chamber, which declared that the Spanish State liability regime for breaches of EU law, as developed by the case law of the Spanish Supreme Court, was incompatible with the general principle of equivalence. In Transportes Urbanos, the Court took issue with the requirement that the claimant exhaust all domestic remedies in damages actions against the Spanish legislator for breaches of EU law, but not in damages actions for breaches of the Spanish Constitution (Transportes Urbanos, C-118/08
Restrictive Agreements
The CNMC Imposes Record Fine on Six Construction Companies for Decades-Long Bid-Rigging Practices (Obra Civil 2)
In July 2022, the Spanish Competition Authority (the “CNMC”) fined six of the main construction companies in Spain (Acciona Construcción S.A., Dragados S.A., FCC Construcción, Ferrovial Construcción, Obrascón Huarte Lain S.A., and Sacyr Construcción S.A) with EUR 203.6 million for bid-rigging practices spanning for more than 25 years (Obra Civil 2, S/0021/20
Abuse of Dominance
The CNMC adopted several noteworthy decisions against undertakings for abusing their dominant position through (i) exclusionary (Insud Pharma, Correos 3, Enel Green Power España and Real Sociedad Canina de España) and (ii) exploitative (Leadiant) practices.
The CNMC Brings a First in Spain Against Merck for ‘Sham Litigation’ and Misuse of Patent Procedures (Insud Pharma)
In October 2022, the CNMC imposed a hefty EUR 39 million fine, in addition to a prohibition to conclude contracts with the Spanish public administration, to the Spanish subsidiary of multinational pharmaceutical Merck Sharp & Dohme for abusing its market position in the market for the sale of vaginal contraceptive rings. The CNMC found that the company had resorted to ‘sham litigation’ and misused patent procedures in order to delay and suppress competition from new entrant Insud Pharma (S/0026/19
Merck, which had enjoyed a 15-year monopoly over the sale of its contraceptive Nuvaring, invoked its patent rights against an alternative contraceptive launched in June 2017 -less than a year from the expiry of its patent-, and requested a Barcelona court to issue an ex parte suspension order to stop the manufacture and sale of Insud Pharma’s product. This relief was granted in September 2017, after Merck had alleged that its rival had failed to provide the necessary evidence to assess whether its patent had been breached. Upon finding that Merck had withheld relevant factual and technical information that would have challenged the premises relied on for its legal actions -notably, Insud Pharma had indeed offered to provide the evidence to assess the existence of a patent infringement-, the court lifted the interim suspension in December 2017.
As a result of the suspension, however, Insud Pharma was forced to halt marketing, sale and production of its contraceptive until December 2017, effectively extending the dominance of Merck’s Nuvaring in the Spanish market and disrupting normal competitive dynamics. After a 3-year-long investigation, the CNMC concluded that Merck’s lack of transparency and legal action was not aimed at enforcing its patent rights, but rather at suppressing competition from new providers.
The authority followed the criteria defined by the EU Courts in ITT Promedia (T-111/96
The CNMC Sanctions Correos’ Rebates (Correos 3)
In Correos 3, the CNMC imposed a EUR 32 million fine on Correos, the Spanish public postal operator, over its rebate practices (S/0041/19
The CNMC Tackles Discriminatory Practices (Enel Green Power España and Real Sociedad Canina de España)
The CNMC’s scrutiny in 2022 also extended to the market for access and connection to the power network. In Enel Green Power España, the CNMC took issue with Enel Green’s conduct as a “Single Node Interlocutor” in two access points to the power network for renewable energy generation facilities (S/0022/20
In another notable decision, the CNMC found that the Spanish Royal Canine Society had abused its unique position in the markets for the genealogic certification of purebred dogs and the qualification of judges through a combination of discriminatory practices aimed at rival associations (Real Sociedad Canina de España, or “RSCE”, S/0044/19
The CNMC Ends Leadiant’s Excessive Pricing Strategy
In November 2022, the CNMC imposed a EUR 10 million fine on pharmaceutical Leadiant, the sole manufacturer of the drug for the treatment of cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (“CTX”), a rare disease affecting around 50 patients in Spain, for abusing its position in the market for the sale of such drugs (Lediant, S/0028/20
The CNMC found that, since 2010, Lediant had systematically increased the price of its drug, from EUR 50 for a box of 100 capsules in 2010 to over EUR 14,000 in 2017. The authority concluded that such an increase could not be attributed to any additional risks or costs borne by the company, and thus the price charged as of 2017 was abusive in light of its disproportionate and unfair nature. In addition to the fine, the CNMC has imposed an obligation on Leadiant (i) to sell its drug in Spain at a non-excessive price negotiated with the Spanish Ministry of Health, and (ii) to waive the exclusivity agreement with the sole supplier of the drug’s active ingredient.
The National High Court Annuls Multiple CNMC Decisions Due to Insufficient Evidence (Prosegur/Loomis, Hormigones de Asturias, Istobal)
In 2022, the Spanish National High Court annulled a number of antitrust decisions of the CNMC due to insufficient evidence. Notably, the National High Court annulled:
- A decision of the CNMC fining two security companies and their managers with a total of EUR 46.5 million for sharing the cash-in-transit and cash-handling market, fixing prices and exchanging commercially sensitive information during at least 7 years (Prosegur/Loomis, S/DC/0555/15
- A decision of the CNMC fining 13 concrete companies and one of their managers with EUR 6.12 million for bid rigging practices in the market for the supply of concrete and related products for at least 15 years (Hormigones de Asturias, S/DC/0545/15
- A decision of the CNMC fining a car wash equipment maker with EUR 638,770 for refusing to supply spare parts and technical information to independent repairers of its machines (technical assistance services) that were not part of its authorized network (Istobal, S/DC/0540/14
The CNMC Fines Several Undertakings for Gun-Jumping (Albia Gestión de Servicios, Funespaña, Xfera, Electra Alto Miño)
In March and April 2022, the CNMC initiated two infringement proceedings against Albia Gestión de Servicios S.L.U. (a subsidiary of the Santa Lucía group) for failing to notify the acquisition of exclusive control over the funeral homes Funeraria Tanatorio La Paz S.L. and Tanatorio de Marín S.L. (Albia/Tanatorio La Paz, SNC/DC/086/22
In September 2022, the CNMC initiated an infringement proceeding against Xfera Móviles S.A.U. (subsidiary of Masmovil Ibercom S.A.U.) for failing to notify the acquisition of Grupo Ahí+ (Xfera, SNC/DC/144/22
Finally, in September 2022, the CNMC initiated an infringement proceeding against Electra Alto Miño Distribuidora de Energía S.L.U. for failing to notify the acquisition of exclusive control over the assets of the electricity distribution network in Arnoia (a town of the province of Ourense in Galicia) (Electra Alto Miño/Activos Arnoia, SNC/DC/157/21
Internal Market
AG Szpunar Hints Possible End to the Spanish Taxi Saga
In December 2022, Advocate General Szpunar delivered an Opinion on the preliminary ruling request from the High Court of Catalonia concerning the adoption of restrictions on the operation of for-hire vehicles in Barcelona (C-50/21
Following a challenge to a local regulation adopted by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, the High Court of Catalonia asked the Court of Justice to clarify whether Articles 49 and 107(1) TFEU preclude national provisions imposing (a) quantitative restrictions on the number of licenses for for-hire vehicles, as well as (b) the requirement of a second license and the fulfilment of additional conditions for for-hire vehicles wishing to provide urban transportation services. In his Opinion, AG Szpunar proposes that the quantitative restrictions imposed by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area constitute a restriction on the freedom of establishment under Article 49 TFEU, notably deeming that the economic viability of taxi services cannot, in itself, constitute a legitimate justification and that it is questionable that taxis constitute services of general economic interest.
While the Court is not bound by the Opinion, the recommendation provides a clear indication that the restrictions on for-hire vehicles might not be compatible with the internal market, which could put an end to the years-long dispute between the sector, regulators and competition authorities (for a more detailed analysis, see Isaque Leite’s comment here).
Any opinions or conclusions provided in this blog entry shall not be ascribed to Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP or any clients of the firm involved in the case.