Legislative Amendments Usher in Tougher Competition Enforcement Regime in Canada
On June 20, 2024, the Canadian Parliament passed important changes to Canada’s Competition Act (Act) with the enactment of Bill C-59, the Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023
We have previously summarized the key changes that were made to the Act in June 2022 and December 2023, as well as those that were proposed in Bill C-59. These amendments affect all areas of Canadian competition law, with the general objective of strengthening the Competition Bureau’s (Bureau) enforcement powers and ability to challenge anticompetitive conduct.
Of note are two additional amendments that were introduced into Bill C-59 as part of Parliament’s deliberative process, both of which will impact the Act’s merger review process in important ways. Interestingly, these amendments were imported from recommendations
We discuss each of these additional amendments and their implications below.
Market Share Presumptions for Merger Review
Prior to the recent round of amendments, the Act (section 92(2)
In the initial version of Bill C-59
However, in submissions
Notably, representatives of ISED, the federal ministry which is responsible for developing competition policy in Canada, disagreed with the Bureau’s recommendation. They observed
Ultimately, the decision was made to follow the Bureau’s recommendation and so Bill C-59
The amendments thus shift Canada’s merger review regime from one in which post-merger market shares were an important but not determinative factor to one in which parties may be obliged to argue against a presumption of illegality based on market shares alone. Moreover, the 30% share threshold at which the rebuttable presumption is triggered marks a departure from the Bureau’s longstanding view
The Bureau has stated
Revised Remedial Standard for Anticompetitive Mergers
Turning to the issue of remedies, Bill C-59 was also amended to institute a new standard for imposing merger remedies under the Act.
Under the Act, mergers are considered to be anticompetitive if they are likely to result in a “substantial prevention or lessening of competition” in the relevant market (section 92
In its submission
Once again, ISED representatives appearing before Parliament regarding Bill C-59 disagreed with the Bureau’s position. They pointed out that adopting the Bureau’s proposed standard would create an inherent contradiction between the legal standard for identifying harm and the legal standard for remedying that harm, leading to perverse results. For example, they asserted that the new remedial standard would mean that transactions that do not cause a likely substantial lessening or prevention of competition would face no remedy, whereas transactions that do cause a likely substantial lessening or prevention of competition would face a remedy requiring elimination of any effect on competition.
Parliament once more decided to defer to the Bureau’s views in this matter. And so, with the enactment of Bill C-59, the Act now provides explicitly that the appropriate remedial standard is to “preserve the level of competition that would prevail but for the merger.” (Section 249, Bill C-59)
Admittedly, discerning the line between a ” prevention or lessening of competition” and a “substantial prevention or lessening of competition” is a bit like the old debate about trying to figure out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. But the practical impact of the change is clear. The new remedial scope will allow the Bureau to argue for more extensive and far-reaching remedies than before, including that likely anticompetitive mergers be blocked in their entirety rather than be addressed through more targeted divestitures. This, in turn, will increase the Bureau’s leverage in negotiating remedies for transactions that raise concerns. Merging parties will now have to take this new prospect into account when assessing the regulatory risk associated with their transactions.
The two amendments described above are consistent with the general objective of the recent spate of amendments to the Act, i.e. to give the Bureau more extensive tools to address anticompetitive conduct in Canada. In the case of these two amendments specifically, Parliament was prepared to grant the Bureau the changes it wanted over the objections of the bureaucratic echelon that is ostensibly responsible for setting competition policy in Canada.
As mentioned previously, all of this is to the credit of the Commissioner of Competition, Matthew Boswell. He has successfully persuaded Parliament that a new and robust competition enforcement framework is necessary to address many of the ills that afflict the Canadian economy, such as rising prices and lagging productivity. One can only expect that the Commissioner and the Competition Bureau will be held accountable as it implements the new tools at its disposal.