Kluwer Competition Law Blog 2022 Nominees for the Antitrust Writing Awards: Vote!
In 2022, we had many interesting and well written blogposts on the Kluwer Competition Law Blog. We are delighted to see that some of them got shortlisted for the 2022 Antitrust Writing Awards. Congratulations on this great achievement!
Please vote for these brilliant pieces:
- Till Steinvorth (Noerr): European Commission Changes its Policy on Providing Guidance on Questions of Competition Law Vote here
- Pablo Figueroa and Rocío Acebal (Pérez-Llorca): Who Watches the (FDI) Watchmen? The European Commission Finds that Hungary Infringed EU Law By Unduly Prohibiting a Transaction on FDI Grounds Vote here
- Patrick Harrison, Monika Zdzieborska and Bethany Wise (Sidley Austin): Ne Bis in Idem: The Final Word? Vote here
Furthermore, we don’t want to miss this chance to highlight that you can vote for
- our editor Alba Ribera Martínez‘s article “Too Much, Too Many: The Principle of International Comity in Digital Markets” here
- our editor Lena Hornkohl‘s article “Leave it to the experts: A comparative analysis of competition-expert lay judges in private enforcement of competition law” here
To make sure you do not miss out on regular updates from the Kluwer Competition Law Blog, please subscribe here.
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