
It’s 2023 and LifeBack Law Firm surpasses inclusion bankruptcy goals

It is August, 2023, and where is LifeBack Law Firm today? In Jany, 2021, LifeBack Law Firm embarked on an aggressive initiative to promote diversity and inclusion within our ranks. In short, we set out to make LifeBack Law Firm a safe place for all humans to work and a safe place for all clients to come to get bankruptcy help. 

     In April, 2021 the firm met with much resistance to our new culture of inclusion and diversity within our ranks. Today, LifeBack Law Firm is more culturally diverse, more inclusive, than we have been in our entire history. 

     Recently, to celebrate our diversity, we had a work party at the home of one of our employees. We gathered over 30 people to eat, drink, and celebrate our accomplishments. As I looked around, I was so proud of our accomplishments together. As a business leader, I want you to know inclusion is power. Never before has our people power been so strong as it is today.

     I had one person tell me, they couldn’t believe how kind everyone was. In short, we are not the same firm we were in 2021. We are no longer immature and insecure. With the firm’s new culture of total inclusion and diversity we are more mature and secure than we have ever been in our history. 

     When you remove immaturity and insecurity from your work force, you end up with a more productive and happy team. My advice to other law firms or other businesses is to never take no for an answer and fight your way through those who will resist diversity and inclusion. In the end, these people do not belong in your organization and the only thing they do is hold you back from your true purpose.

     At LifeBack, we are glad we went on this journey. We recognize the price we paid is but a small price in comparison to those who face hate and insecurity from insecure people every single day of their lives. 



     When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm by going now to


Story originally seen here

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