
Ideas for Saving Money in Minneapolis, Minnesota

All year long there are reasons to spend money that may put you over your monthly budget. Whether this is from medical bills, home repairs, birthdays, holidays, or various other financial obligations, they put a strain on your finances. 


Here are five ideas to save money for whatever life throws at you: 

  1. Thrift shop. Thrift stores are everywhere and for good reason- they help those who need it. Thrifting is an excellent way to save money because you can find new and used items that you may need for a lot less than buying from a store.  
  2. Instead of purchasing expensive gifts, make homemade items or give your time. For example, if you were going to buy a knit hat, instead think of making one. Another example, instead of giving money or a pricey present, take your loved one to their favorite show or out to dinner. 
  3. Eat in, instead of eating out! Eating out is convenient, but it also adds up. If you spend $5 a day on coffee at your local coffee place, that would be about $150 a month. Instead make meals or coffee at home for less cost. 
  4. Try activities that are free. Although most people love to go to the zoo, movies, and shows. Instead do free activities around your state. In Minnesota there are so many free parks, trails, lakes, and beaches. 
  5. Home repairs happen to us all, instead of hiring someone to do tasks if you are able to do them, learn how. You likely will save money and have the satisfaction of completing the project. 


If you have any questions about filing bankruptcy or your finances, visit to speak with an attorney. You will be glad you did!

Ideas for saving money in Minneapolis, MN. By Dr. Amanda Rosback

Story originally seen here

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