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Charbel Rizk’s journey into this field began when he realized that the limitations of current vision technology were preventing the advancement of autonomous systems. Charbel Rizk’s journey in this field began after he realized that current vision technology was preventing the advancement autonomous systems. “Vision is still far behind in terms of technology. “

In the latest episode of

Founder Shares

, Charbel dives into the revolutionary advancements his company, Oculi, is making in visual intelligence, and the significant challenges they’re overcoming to bring these innovations to market.

Unlike traditional cameras and motion sensors, Oculi’s technology does not simply create an image; it processes information directly at the pixel level, providing intelligent outputs that could revolutionize everything from home automation to autonomous vehicles. Charbel said, “We’re bringing vision-level intelligence to the edge.” “Our technology will allow you to have the same sensitivity for light, but it will also include built-in processing so that it can output vision instead of an image. This breakthrough could save enormous amounts of energy. Charbel highlighted the inefficiency of current systems by noting, “The amount of energy we waste today because of imaging technology is more than that of 65 countries combined.” With Oculi’s innovation, devices will become smarter, more efficient, and less invasive when it comes to privacy–a key concern in today’s world.Charbel’s entrepreneurial journey, however, was not without its hurdles. Transitioning from an academic environment at Johns Hopkins University to the rough-and-tumble world of startups required him to build a network from scratch and navigate the complexities of scaling a hardware company.“It’s very hard. Charbel replied that raising money for a deep-tech startup is ten times more difficult. Yet, through perseverance and focus, Oculi has managed to attract interest from major players, proving the market’s readiness for such a disruptive technology.

Despite these challenges, Charbel remains passionate about solving simpler, everyday problems with advanced technology. “We’re trying to automate a car to drive in a busy street, but we can’t effectively automate a faucet today,” Charbel remarked, underscoring his desire to bring intelligence to even the most mundane tasks.

As Charbel continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible with visual intelligence, his story is a powerful reminder of the impact that innovative thinking and relentless determination can have on the future of technology.

To learn more about Charbel Rizk’s journey and Oculi’s groundbreaking work, don’t miss this episode of

Founder Shares

. Listen to the full story. It’s available wherever you listen.

Story originally seen here

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