Intelectual Property (IP)

How to Protect IP in Southeast Asia, Promoting Women in STEM, and Preventing Bank Failures

This week in Washington IP news, while Congress continues its summer recess, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) hosts several events, including on how to protect your IP in Southeast Asia. The Office also continues its #WEWednesday series, this week with an installment on how to increase the number of women in the STEM field. Elsewhere, the Peterson Institute for International Economics will look at what preventative policy measures are needed to prevent repeat bank failures in the United States.

Tuesday, August 8

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Southeast Asia IP Roadshow 2023

At 7:00 PM on Tuesday, virtual webinar

The USPTO is hosting IP experts and policymakers to discuss the state of IP in Southeast Asia and ASEAN. Speakers from the USPTO, Department of Commerce, and the private sector will inform attendees about best practices when doing business in the region. The event is specifically targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises looking to break into the Southeast Asia market for the first time.

Wednesday, August 9

Peterson Institute for International Economics

Can supervisory reform prevent repeat bank failures in the US?

At 9:00 AM on Wednesday, online livestream

With recent bank failures causing shockwaves in the U.S. economy, many are looking for policy measures to prevent further failures. This event will first discuss whether supervisory shortcomings are a reason to worry about further failures. Then the panel will turn to potential remedies and policy solutions that could shore up these weaknesses in the U.S. banking system.

Thursday, August 10

Hudson Institute

Russia, China, and the Revisionist Assault on the World Order

At 10:00 AM on Thursday, online livestream

The Hudson Institute is hosting Dr. Gerlinde Groitl to discuss her new book Russia, China and the Revisionist Assault on the Western Liberal International Order. Groitl’s position is that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has jolted European leaders into action who long declined to weigh in on great power competition between the U.S. and Russia and China. During the talk, the Germany-based professor will discuss what she views as a necessary strategy to contain Russia and China.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Women’s Entrepreneurship Series: Educating the next generation of innovators

At noon on Wednesday, Hagley Museum, Wilmington, DE, and online livestream

This event is a continuation of the USPTO’s #WEWednesday series promoting women entrepreneurs. According to the USPTO, women make up only 27% of the STEM workforce, and this event focuses on the importance of education to close that gap and meet the needs of the STEM sector. The panel at this event will talk about how to mentor the next generation of entrepreneurs and encourage women to enter the field of STEM.

Friday, August 11

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Trademark Public Advisory Committee quarterly meeting

At 11:00 AM on Friday, USPTO Headquarters and online livestream

Following two Trademark Public Advisory Committee (TPAC) executive sessions on Wednesday and Friday, the TPAC will hold a quarterly meeting to discuss trademark-related policies, goals, performance, budgets, and user fees. Both TPAC Chair David Cho and USPTO Director Kathi Vidal will be in attendance along with a host of other attendees to advise the USPTO on trademark policy. The quarterly meeting will build on the discussion in the executive sessions that focus on USPTO strategic planning, potential recommendations, and future budget planning.

Alec Pronk image

Alec Pronk
Alec is a freelance journalist and editor who has covered a broad range of topics ranging from international law to US foreign policy. He holds a master’s degree in political […see more]

Story originally seen here

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