
Hoglund Law Reviews by Real Customers

    Over the years, I have seen many reviews written by angry clients of Hoglund Law. Many complained about the fact that Hoglund Law claimed to be “local” and one said were “states away”.  These are heartbreaking reviews to read when the person is already vulnerable and often sick. It doesn’t help when Hoglund Law admits to using software to mask bad reviews by angry clients who felt duped by Hoglund Law. The software is designed to “gate” bad reviews (i.e. not publish bad reviews) and only publish good reviews. It’s a slimy tactic that should be banned and is unbecoming of a law office in Minnesota.

     But not all Hoglund Reviews are “gated”. Some clients persist and insist their review get published and circumvent Hoglund Law’s software to block bad reviews. 

     Here is a Hoglund Law Review where the Hoglund Law client gives a review of Hoglund Law and Robert Hoglund, “himself”:



“we barely had communication with him (Referring to Robert Hoglund) and when we did he was very rushed.” ….”I absolutely hated our entire experience. Save yourself and go somewhere else.” “Save yourself and go somewhere else”. Wow! 

     That is a powerful Hoglund Law Review left by a former Hoglund Law client (And Robert Hoglund “himself”).  Many other Hoglund Law Google Reviews are just as scathing. 

     Here is another Hoglund Law Review that is just as scathing:



“…I will purposely steer people away from this place (Hoglund Law) for being dishonest scoundrels.” Ouch! 

     And here is a Hoglund Law Review by a person who states: “…and their claims of having local offices are just plain false”: 




The bottom line is before hiring Hoglund Law, read their Hoglund Reviews closely. These stinging reviews made it through Hoglund Law’s slimy attempt to block bad reviews from being published. 

     When you look at Hoglund Law Reviews, notice the intensity with which some people tell you to go somewhere else. Reviews are a potent tool for the public to 1) voice their opinion and 2) select a law firm. Hoglund Law knows this because the firm uses software to gate bad Hoglund Law Reviews from showing to the public.

     When a law firm blocks bad Hoglund Law Reviews from appearing, you are distorting your firm’s Google Review strength in reality. This doesn’t seem right and should not stand. For example, if Hoglund Law didn’t gate bad reviews (block bad Hoglund Law Reviews), it is possible their Google Review strength would be far lower, perhaps less than 2.5 Google Stars. But blocking bad Hoglund Law Reviews artificially props up the Google Review strength, so it is higher than, say, 4.5.



After reading Hoglund Law reviews like the ones in this blog you will be happy to know there is a firm that never has and never will block bad reviews. If you want to choose a Minnesota bankruptcy law firm that has never used, nor ever will use, software to gate bad reviews, reach out to the firm that is the most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm (based on what people say in our reviews) by going now to You will be so thankful you did. 


Story originally seen here

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