Estate Planning

DIY Estate Planning: Why Take the Risk?

Planning your estate is a complex and vital task involving critical decisions about your assets’ management and distribution. While the prospect of using online resources or DIY estate planning kits might seem appealing, the DIY approach poses significant dangers and pitfalls.

In this article, we’ll highlight the risks of DIY estate planning and underscore the importance of hiring a seasoned estate planning lawyer. Such a professional can protect your interests and guarantee a thorough and legally watertight estate plan.

Grasping the Risks of DIY Estate Planning

1.) Expertise Shortage: Estate planning demands a profound understanding of legal principles, tax laws, and asset distribution details. Additionally, DIY estate planning resources typically provide generic information, which might not account for your specific situation’s subtleties.

Unfortunately, absence of professional expertise could lead to oversights or errors with grave repercussions for your estate and loved ones.

2.) Inadequate Document Drafting: Estate planning includes creating legally binding documents like wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives. These documents must meet specific legal prerequisites and cater to your distinct circumstances.

DIY tools might not provide sufficient direction to draft these documents accurately, potentially rendering them void or open to interpretation.

3.) Inability to Address Complex Situations: DIY estate planning resources usually serve basic planning needs. However, if you have complex family dynamics, substantial assets, or unique situations like business ownership or blended families, the DIY planning’s generic approach might not satisfactorily address your particular concerns.

Ignoring these complexities could lead to unexpected consequences, disputes, and legal challenges for your beneficiaries.

The Advantages of Engaging an Estate Planning Lawyer

1.) Custom Legal Advice: An estate planning lawyer offers specialized knowledge and experience. They invest time in understanding your distinct circumstances, objectives, and worries.

With their expertise, they can deliver personalized legal advice and guidance tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a comprehensive, legally sound, and wish-aligned estate plan.

2.) Sophisticated Planning Strategies: If you have substantial assets, business interests, or face complex family situations, an estate planning lawyer can guide you through these intricate circumstances. Additionally, they can counsel on advanced planning strategies such as irrevocable trusts, family limited partnerships, or charitable giving techniques to minimize taxes, protect assets, and provide for your loved ones strategically and efficiently.

3.) Adherence to Legal Requirements: Estate planning laws vary across jurisdictions and frequently change. An estate planning lawyer keeps abreast of the latest legal advancements, ensuring your estate plan abides by all relevant laws and regulations, minimizing the risk of your plan being contested or invalidated due to non-compliance.

4.) Comprehensive Review and Updates: Your circumstances and priorities might change over time. An estate planning lawyer offers continued support by frequently reviewing and updating your estate plan to mirror these changes, ensuring your plan stays relevant, effective, and aligned with your current desires and needs.

5.) Mediation and Conflict Resolution: In unfortunate instances of disputes or conflicts among family members or beneficiaries, an estate planning lawyer can mediate, aiding in conflict resolution and maintaining family harmony. Furthermore, their objective viewpoint and understanding of estate planning laws can foster amicable solutions, minimizing the need for expensive and lengthy legal battles.

Book a Consultation Today!

Despite the lure of DIY estate planning, it carries considerable risks and potential shortcomings. Therefore, enlisting the services of an Oklahoma City estate planning lawyer ensures an effective plan that accurately covers all bases.

If you’re ready to take the first step, call us at 405-843-6100 to schedule a consultation appointment, and our Tulsa office can be reached at 918-615-2700.

Alternatively, if you prefer to send us a message, complete our contact form, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.




Larry Parman, Attorney at Law

After helping his own family deal with a lengthy probate and the IRS following his father’s untimely death in a farm accident, Larry Parman made a decision to help families create effective estate plans designed to reduce taxes, minimize legal interference with the transfer of assets to one’s heirs, and protect his clients’ assets from predators and creditors.

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