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Could automated transcription tools replace human court reporters?

Image from Shutterstock.

For the longest time, one of the staples of any courtroom has been the stenographer. Typing on a small machine that produced a seemingly random series of letters onto a small strip of paper about the same size as what cash registers use to produce receipts, being a court reporter required extensive training and superhuman attention span. One missed sentence or one inaccurate transcription and the entire trial record could be compromised.

Transcription technology has existed for a while now, but its accuracy has never been that high, meaning that human court reporters have remained the gold standard.

However, recent advances in technology, as well as a shortage of court reporters nationwide and the increased use of virtual depositions and hearings, has led to an opening for automated transcription tools.

Now, artificial intelligence could make automated transcription even more accurate. As the tech becomes better and better, is it possible that it could eventually replace human court reporters?

In this episode of the Legal Rebels Podcast, Karl Seelbach talks with the ABA Journal’s Victor Li about the state of automated court reporting, how it compares to human stenographers and how generative AI has changed the industry. Seelbach, a litigator, is the co-founder of Skribe, an AI-based court reporting and transcription service.

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