Tax Law

Boston Tax Increases: IRS Staffing and Funding

What’s to become of IRA funding of the IRS? TaxNotes reports (paywall) that the stopgap funding bill keeping the federal government funded through December 20 could rescind $20.2 billion in IRS enforcement funds made available through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This would almost drain the account if it was included in the final fiscal budget deal for 2025. TPC’s

new feature breaks down each candidate’s stances on tax policy. TPC’s new feature breaks down the stances of each candidate on tax policy. Communication lapses and a high volume of cases assigned by hiring staff are contributing factors. The IRS plans to improve the training of employees involved in hiring. Boston mayor Michelle Wu proposes an increase in commercial property taxes over a period of three years.

Commercial tax revenue is falling and the city has relied heavily on property taxes in recent years to fund city services. Wu has proposed a three-year increase in commercial property taxes as an alternative to raising the residential property tax. The Daily Deduction will resume its regular schedule starting November 11th. For the latest tax news, subscribe to the Tax Policy Center’s Daily Deduction.

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Story originally seen here

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