
Bankruptcy Filing Process in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Filing bankruptcy in Minneapolis, Minnesota with LifeBack Law is a straight forward process. This is because we do not make clients fill out tons of worksheets, we pull your credit report for you, and we have a 90 day credit repair program after you receive your discharge.

Your first consultation will be with a licensed attorney, where you will receive advice on whether or not bankruptcy is the best option for you and which bankruptcy is the best fit. This process takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour and can be done, in-person, by Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or phone call. 

After the consultation, you will schedule a review and sign appointment. This is a two hour appointment with an attorney and their assistant to go through your case. You will review the entire case, ask questions if you have them, go through next steps, and sign the necessary paperwork to file. 

After your case is filed the next big step will be your 341 hearing. This is a hearing with your bankruptcy trustee. It happens in both chapter 7 and chapter 13 cases and takes on average between 5-10 minutes. 

If you are in a chapter 7 after your 341 hearing you will work with your attorney to resolve any follow-up. If there is no follow-up from the trustee you will be waiting on your discharge, which should be granted about 60 days after your first scheduled meeting of creditors. If you are in a chapter 13 case, after your 341 hearing there will be a confirmation hearing, which you likely will not have to attend, and then you will continue making your chapter 13 plan payments. 

When you receive your bankruptcy discharge LifeBack Law offers a 90 credit repair program. In the program, we will provide information on improving your credit, disputing creditors after bankruptcy if needed, and removing judgments. 



If you have any questions regarding filing for bankruptcy, visit to speak with an attorney today. You will be glad you did!


What is the process of filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minneapolis, MN? By Dr. Amanda Rosback


Story originally seen here

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