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This 4-word phrase has been deemed the scariest for lawyers in a blog contest


This 4-word phrase was deemed scariest to lawyers in blog contest

Above the Law has revealed the winner of its contest for the four-word phrase most likely to scare a lawyer. (Image from Shutterstock)

Above the Law has revealed the winner of its contest for the four-word phrase most likely to scare a lawyer.

The winner, with 27% of the online vote: “We destroyed those documents.” The runner-up, with 23% of the vote: “President Trump retained you.”

The blog announced the winners Friday after unveiling 10 finalists Nov. 8. The phrases included “You missed the meeting,” “Your IOLTA cheque bounced,” “Calling the discipline commission,” and “I cannot pay you.” There were phrases like “You’re my 4th lawyer,” “It is an easy case,” I’d like testify,” The jury has returned,” See me in chambers,” and “Who is your malpractice carrier?” Above the Law created its contest after seeing a Facebook page that asked the same question.

story originally seen here

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