
Can Bankruptcy help with my Utility Bill?

Home utilities play an important role in our daily lives. They allow us to heat and cool our houses, cook and chill our food, as well as power our devices to stay in touch with our loved ones. Utility bills are essential to protecting our homes and providing for our families. Utility bills can be a burden on our budgets. This is especially true with the rising cost of energy. It can also cause us to fall behind on our utility bills as we try to balance the cost of utilities with other daily bills and living expenses. The good news is that bankruptcy can help. First, any debt owed to a utility provider is usually unsecured. This means that it can be erased through bankruptcy discharge. This means that any utility debts that you owe to companies that you no longer use will be erased as soon as bankruptcy is discharged! The debt is still dischargeable if the bill is to a utility company that is still providing service at your home. However, the utility company may ask for a deposit in order to continue service. However, this deposit is refundable, and will eventually be returned by the utility company assuming that ongoing utility bills are paid on time.

Additionally, bankruptcy can help prevent a utility shutoff! Even if utilities are already shut off, bankruptcy may help them to be turned back on. Our firm notifies the utility company immediately after the bankruptcy filing so that they know about the filing and have an immediate notice to restore service. In this case, the utility company may request the deposit mentioned above, but is still required to restore the utilities.

Bankruptcy may also help with future utility bills. It can eliminate other debts you might be struggling to pay and give you more budget room as you move forward from bankruptcy. Even if energy prices don’t decrease in the near term, you will be in a better position to manage them once your bankruptcy is completed and your discharge occurs.

Bankruptcy can be used in many different ways to protect your home and family. Please give us a ring if you have been threatened with a utility shutoff or if they have already done so and you need help restoring them. Call Now for a Free Strategy Session with a MN Bankruptcy Lawyer at LIFEBACK LAW.

We’re here to help and are ready to advocate on your behalf to ensure that you, your home, and your family are protected. When the time is right, or when you are ready, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Minnesota’s most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm by going now to


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