Mergers & Acquisitions

What Should We Do About Google?

The goal for Google should be to shake the tech industry up and launch new companies, as AT&T’s decrees did. What kind of antitrust remedy could now inspire people to leave their jobs and pursue opportunities in online search, or A.I.? Two possibilities come into mind.

The one would be to force Google out of its web browser Chrome and the Android mobile operating system. As Judge Mehta determined, Google illegally maintained its monopoly by preventing rivals’ products from being distributed. It did this by making large payments and also by controlling “choke points”, the places where software is downloaded, such as the browser or phone. If Google no longer controlled those choke points, it would instantly improve the prospects for the emergent rivals to the Google empire.

Another remedy would be to force Google, which has provided access to some of its A.I. Another remedy would be to force Google, which has provided access to some of its A.I. The vast data sets that are used to train these technologies as well as their technologies will be made available. This would be similar to the 1956 AT&T order, which leveled the playing field for newcomers and gave them a chance at building competing products. It would also improve A.I. safety by allowing more people to keep an eye on the technology.

If these proposals sound unduly punitive — Google is, after all, a company that has produced great products, many of which are offered at no direct cost to consumers — keep in mind that companies always produce their best products and services when their feet are held to the fire. There is no need to worry at this point about undermining economic incentives. Google has made its original investors and executives very rich. Even the longest and most glittering reigns must end one day. It’s time to give others a chance. We would like to know what you think of this article or any other. Here are a few tips. And here’s our email:

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