
COMIC: Halloween Crime and Teenagers


Panel 1: A turquoise character in a ghost costume stands next to a green round character wearing a witch hat and holds a broom. A text bubble comes from the green character with the title, which says: “Could my Halloween fun be against the law?” By Maddy Buck 

Panel 2: Four characters of different colors, including the ghost and the witch from before, are standing on a street, with exclamation points above their heads. The ghost character is holding unfurled toilet paper, the purple character to its right is about to stomp on a pumpkin, the green witch to its right is holding alcohol, and the orange character to its right is holding eggs. Below, the text says: “It depends on what you’re planning to do! If you’re too old for trick-or-treating but still wanting to have fun this Halloween, make sure you don’t do anything that can be against the law.” 

Panel 3: The text says: “When it comes to alcohol, 21 is the legal drinking age across the country. Even if you’re disguised as someone well over 21, you’re still not old enough to drink as a teenager. Police are typically on the lookout for this on Halloween, so stick to the mocktails.” In between the text is a purple character with a top hat and a beard and a word bubble that says, “Call me Abe!” 

Panel 4: The text says: “If you intentionally damage someone’s property, you could be arrested for vandalism. Leave the eggs and toilet paper at home.” Below is a house with a tree in front and lots of pumpkins. A turquoise character is about to throw some toilet paper, and the ghost character is about to smash a pumpkin. 

Panel 5: The text says: “If you go on someone else’s property without their permission, you may be trespassing. This often goes hand in hand with vandalism.” Below are three houses that have angry faces on them. Word bubbles are protruding from them that say: “Trespasser!” In front of the houses are two little characters, the ghost and the witch, trespassing. On top of the image is a large “X.” 

Panel 6: The text says: “Disorderly conduct. This is a ‘catch-all’ law that can include…” Below is an “X” drawn on top of two fighting characters. Below them is the text: “Fighting, making threats, or other violent behavior.” To the right is a ghost yelling “Boo” in big orange letters, with a big “X” on top of it. Below the image it says “causing unreasonable noise.” To the left and down is a green character in a witch hat, throwing its arms wide and with a speech bubble showing it is swearing. Below is the text “Using obscene or offensive language or gestures.” 

Panel 7: The text on top says: “These things are illegal every other day of the year. Just because Halloween is spooky doesn’t mean you can ignore the law.” Below are two identical rectangles with arms and legs and “vandalism, trespassing, underage drinking, disorderly conduct” written on them. The one on the left has pumpkins next to it and a witch hat on its head. Between the two is an “equals” sign. 

Panel 8: The text at the top says: “ You can find out more about laws to watch out for on Halloween and every day, at FindLaw.com.” Below is a pumpkin on the left smiling at an orange round character of the same size and color, which is waving in confusion at the nearly identical pumpkin. 

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