
4 Ways You Can Celebrate Pro Bono Week

October is the best for a lot of reasons. But the last week of October isn’t just a time for costumes and candy this year – it’s also the National Celebration of Pro Bono!

Whether it’s celebrating the excellent work of other pro bono attorneys or finding new ways to donate your time, Pro Bono Week is the time to recognize the positive impact lawyers can have in their community.

Not sure how to get involved? Start with these tips:

1. Check Out Events Near You

The ABA’s Celebrate Pro Bono event calendar includes events going on across the nation. From social events to seminars to fundraisers, there’s a little something for everyone. Your local bar association will likely have its own calendar as well.

2. Think About Who You Want to Help

Perhaps your talents are best suited to helping survivors of gender-based violence, or you want to provide pro bono advice for non-profits. Thinking about your passions (other than the law) can help point you toward who can benefit most from your pro bono services.

3. Recruit Others

If you already have a favorite program for pro bono work, talk to colleagues about joining you. There might even be an opportunity for an in-house program!

4. Join a Network

Programs all over the nation help connect attorneys to volunteer and pro bono opportunities. Joining one can connect you with the people who need your help the most.

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